The impatience of the 21st Century
What ever happened to "all good things come to those who wait" ? ! We live in interesting times, do we not ? ! You order today, the...
…. this is sooooo last century !
A Mindset for the 21st Century ? Education, education, education. We hear a lot about the importance of getting the education for our...
Why is it time to become ‘non-discrete’?
“What if we stopped thinking in discrete steps and started to think in never-ending journeys instead?” Something I have been thinking...
Are men more innovative than women (and does it matter)?
Before we start exploring gender differences in the context of innovation, let me say that there is nothing I believe in more than the...
Collaboration, path into a future
We have been seeing an optimistic change in many organisations' mindset when it comes to collaboration. For many years, we heard that...
Why we might be struggling to improve conditions for innovation
This piece was originally written as a contriobution at the UnitedSucces Symposium in Rome May 2015, then adapted for Synquity's...
Is this what we want for our children? Part 3 What I would wish for instead
In the first two posts of this trilogy I described the daily life of many school children today, and described the issue I have with...
Is this what we want for our children? Part 2 Houston, we have a problem ...
In my previous post I wrote about the typical school day of my boys, asking whether a 10 hour day, 6 day week is really what we want for...
Is this what we want for our children? Part 1 The typical day ...
It is Monday morning, 6.00. The week starts again after a weekend that was too short. At least getting up at 6.00 means there is not...
The world of Innovation in 2030 - The shape of organisations to come
Here a piece I wrote in 2010 as a contribution to the INFU (Innovation Futures) Project. Perspective One of the questions that seems to...